Napoleon Hornbuckle
Golf Scholarship
"In Memory of Napoleon Hornbuckle"
Empowering Minority Golfers

Supporting young minority golfers in pursuing their passion for the sport.

Helping minority golfers achieve higher education and reach their full potential.

Promoting diversity and inclusivity in the sport of golf, one scholarship at a time.

Honoring Excellence
Celebrating the achievements and contributions of minority golfers to the sport.

The Heart of Our Cause
The Napoleon Hornbuckle Golf Scholarship is an annual, family, and donor-funded scholarship to provide a one-time financial award to talented young minority golfers from underrepresented communities within the Atlanta, GA metro area seeking a college-level education.
We aim to break down barriers and empower young golfers to achieve their full potential, making a positive impact on their communities.
Announcing the 2024 NHGSF Scholarship Winner
We are excited to introduce Jerry Clay III, the winner of our first annual NHGSF Scholarship. Hailing from Atlanta, GA, Jerry is a standout graduate of The Charles R. Drew Academy with an impressive academic and athletic track record. He will attend Alabama A&M University this Fall, majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Sports Management. Learn more about Jerry’s journey and the impact of his scholarship.

Donating to the Napoleon Hornbuckle Golf Scholarship is a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of young minority men and women. Your support will help break down barriers and make higher education more accessible and affordable for deserving individuals. Join us in creating a more equitable and inclusive society by donating to the Napoleon Hornbuckle Golf Scholarship today.
Latest News
A Message from Our First Scholarship Recipient
Words of Gratitude from an Alabama A&M Scholar
My Mentor, My Friend
When Your Mentor Becomes Your Friend. By Earl Cobb
Official Obituary
In memory of Napoleon Hornbuckle.